Life presents many challenges. Some of us are facing illnesses like breast cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, while others are carrying emotional burdens such as grief, anxiety, or depression, or struggling through difficult seasons in their faith. These struggles can feel overwhelming, but the Bible offers hope. One of the most inspiring stories of faith and restoration is that of the woman with the issue of blood. Her encounter with Jesus reminds us that no matter the obstacles, faith in Christ can lead to healing, restoration, and wholeness.
A Desperate Faith: The Woman with the Issue of Blood
The woman in Mark 5:25-34 had suffered from a bleeding condition for twelve years. She had tried every available treatment and spent everything she had, but instead of improving, her condition worsened. Her illness not only drained her physically but also cut her off from her family and community, as Jewish law deemed her unclean. For twelve years, she lived in isolation, unable to participate in social or religious life.
Although her situation seemed hopeless, she refused to give up. When she heard about Jesus, hope stirred in her heart. She believed that if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed. This hope drove her to take a bold step of faith, despite the crowd and the cultural rules that stood in her way.
Faith in Action: Reaching for Jesus’ Garment
Faith is more than belief—it requires movement toward Jesus. The woman acted on what she knew, pressing through the crowd to touch Him. Her decision to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment wasn’t accidental. In Jewish tradition, the tassels on the hem of a prayer shawl (tallit) symbolized authority and holiness. She believed that even touching the edge of His garment would be enough to heal her.
Jesus Responds with Healing and Restoration
The moment she touched Jesus’ garment, her bleeding stopped immediately. Yet Jesus did not let the encounter end there. He asked, “Who touched Me?” and looked for the person who had drawn power from Him. When the woman stepped forward, Jesus responded with compassion. Instead of reprimanding her, He praised her faith and called her “Daughter.”
This encounter shows us that Jesus cares not only about our physical needs but about our entire well-being. The woman received more than physical healing—she experienced emotional and social restoration. For twelve years, she had been cut off from her community, but now Jesus publicly affirmed her, removing her shame and restoring her to society.
The Object of Faith: Trusting in Jesus
Faith led her to Jesus, but it was His power—not just her effort—that made her whole. True faith isn’t about believing harder but trusting the right person: Jesus Christ. The power of faith lies not in the act itself but in the object of that faith—Jesus, the One who restores and heals.
Similarly, Jesus desires to bring complete healing and wholeness to every part of our lives. This includes our bodies, minds, emotions, and relationships. Sometimes the healing we need goes beyond the physical—we may need forgiveness, peace, or restoration in our relationships. Jesus offers wholeness that transforms us from the inside out.
Healing in Community: The Church as a Place of Restoration
As Jesus restored the woman to her community, we are called to extend love and support to those around us, knowing that healing often happens through both God’s power and the encouragement of others. The church should be a place where people experience acceptance, restoration, and hope. Just as Jesus embraced the woman in her brokenness, we must ensure that our churches are spaces where people can encounter God’s love and healing—whether they are battling illness, emotional wounds, or spiritual struggles.
This is especially important during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many people in our communities are navigating health challenges—whether cancer, diabetes, or chronic conditions. Others may carry emotional wounds that are not visible. As the body of Christ, we are called to walk with those in need, offering prayer, encouragement, and practical help so they can experience healing and restoration.
How Can We Reach Out to Jesus Today?
The woman’s story reminds us that faith is about action. It means moving toward Jesus even when obstacles stand in the way. Fear, doubt, shame, or discouragement may try to hold us back, but faith invites us to press through those barriers and trust in Jesus’ power to heal and restore.
We must also ask: What are we placing our faith in today? Are we trusting in our own efforts, or are we bringing our needs to Jesus? The power of faith is not in believing harder but in trusting Jesus. No matter what challenges we face—whether illness, emotional pain, or spiritual dryness—Jesus is ready to meet us at the point of our need. Just as the woman’s faith led her to Christ and resulted in her restoration, our faith can bring us into the presence of the One who heals and restores.
Discussion Questions for Families
- Why is it important to place our faith in Jesus rather than relying on our own efforts?
- How can we remind ourselves that Jesus is always ready to help when we turn to Him?
- What are some obstacles that might keep us from trusting Jesus fully?
- How can we push through those obstacles, as the woman did?
- How can our family become a place of healing and restoration for one another?
- What can we do to create an environment of love, prayer, and support?
- What practical steps can we take to support people in our community who are facing illness or personal challenges?
- How can we reflect the love of Jesus to those in need?
- What does it mean to experience wholeness in Christ, beyond physical healing?
- How can we pursue emotional and spiritual well-being together as a family?
A Closing Prayer for Faith and Wholeness
Dear Lord,
We thank You that true faith is found in trusting You. Just as the woman with the issue of blood reached out to Jesus, help us place our trust in You, knowing that Your power can meet every need. Strengthen our faith when we feel weak, and remind us that we don’t have to rely on our strength but on Your grace. Bring healing to our bodies, peace to our minds, and wholeness to our souls. Make our homes and churches places where Your love brings restoration to all.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The story of the woman with the issue of blood teaches us that faith is not passive. It calls us to move toward Jesus, even when the path is hard. The power of faith lies not in believing harder but in placing our trust in Christ. He alone brings true healing and wholeness—restoring our bodies, minds, and relationships.
As we reflect on Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the struggles many people face, let’s be reminded that Jesus is still in the business of healing. Whether we need physical healing, emotional restoration, or spiritual renewal, He is ready to meet us where we are. And as the body of Christ, we are called to be a community of healing—offering love, support, and restoration to those in need.
Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr.
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Thanks Dr. Graves, thus article reminded me that I might be placing my healing on outside sources and not Jesus. Thanks for the constant care you show us God’s children.