Paul's Letter to the Ephesians is divided into two basic sections. The first three chapters consist primarily of doctrine or teaching about the Church’s position in Christ. In these chapters, Paul informs the members of the Church of who we are in Christ and what we have in Christ. God has given us an abundance of spiritual blessings in Christ. We are chosen and predestined by the Father, redeemed and forgiven by the Son, indwelled and sealed by the Spirit. God who is rich in mercy has raised us from a state of spiritual death, or separation from him to a state of spiritual life, or fellowship with him. We now have full access to the Father and peace with Christians of all ethnic groups, being reconciled to God and to one another in Christ. Paul proclaims the good news of the Gospel—that Gentile Christians (along with Jewish Christians) now are full members of God’s household, full heirs of God’s riches and full recipients of God’s favor. In Paul’s two great apostolic prayers recorded in Ephesians, the Apostle wants us to come to know God more intimately and to experience his love with ever-increasing capacity. The first half of Ephesians paints a wonderful picture of the grace of God. Join us tomorrow for an introduction to the second half of the Book of Ephesians. To re-visit any of our in-depth study of Ephesians, please click on the button below.
Wilfred Graves Jr.
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