"Taking the Gospel to the Streets" Revival Highlight Video
(Fred Jordan Missions, August 3, 2019)
“Taking the Gospel to the Streets” - a Short History
Revival Plans for 2024 and Beyond
“Taking the Gospel to the Streets” - a Short History
Elder Dennis Bullock currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Highway Ministries Fellowship, a congregation founded in Los Angeles, CA. Prior to this role, he held the position of Coordinator of Evangelism Outreach at West Angeles Church of God in Christ. In addition to his pastoral duties, Elder Bullock is an active member of the Board of Directors at Wilfred Graves Ministries, Inc. For many years Elder Bullock has ministered to those experiencing homelessness in the city of Los Angeles. He is a gifted leader and organizer with a passion for street evangelism and ministry within local area missions. In 2010 he sent a written proposal to the office of Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr. The proposal outlined his vision for an outdoor revival outreach to be conducted in the parking lot of Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles. Dr. Graves joined with Elder Bullock to inaugurate the first annual "Taking the Gospel to the Streets" revival later that year. Since then, thousands of people have attended one of these life-changing events. During our 2019 campaign conducted just prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we partnered with Fred Jordan Missions and worked with dozens of volunteers from West Angeles Church, World Vision, Teen Challenge, the LA Sheriff’s Department, and other organizations to serve hundreds of people experiencing homelessness on the streets of Skid Row in Los Angeles.
Revival Plans for 2024 and Beyond
Now that COVID-19 is no longer classified as a pandemic, Wilfred Graves Ministries will once again sponsor the "Taking the Gospel to the Streets" revival effort as one of its major ministry goals for each year. During these campaigns, we will share the gospel, engage in worship through singing, and offer testimonies of God's transformative power in people's lives. Trilingual interpretation (English, Spanish, and ASL) will be provided. Additionally, we plan to distribute Bibles, hygiene kits, clothing, blankets, water bottles, backpacks, and other essentials. Several doctors and health professionals will be available to screen for conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Every attendee, including volunteers, will be provided with meals at each event. We anticipate involvement exceeding 1000 people for each revival.
(626) 394-6779
PO Box 2011, Artesia, CA 90702
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