Introduction to Paul's Letter to the Ephesians
with Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr.
(Ephesians 1 - Spiritual Blessings in Christ)
Paul's Letter to the Ephesians helps believers to understand our position and our purpose in Christ. The first chapter begins with a short greeting (1:1-2), which is followed by two important sections. In the first section, the Apostle Paul describes the spiritual blessings (or spiritual riches) that believers have in Christ (1:3-14). The entire Trinity is involved in bestowing these blessings. The Father chooses and predestines us for adoption to sonship; consequently, we are holy, blameless, and fully accepted by him (1:3-6). The Son redeems and forgives us, making it possible for us to fulfill our purpose of partnership with God to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under the Lordship of Christ (1:7-12). The Holy Spirit indwells and seals us, guaranteeing our salvation and inheritance as children of God (1:13-14).
In the second section, Paul focuses on thanksgiving and prayer for his readers, and petitions God for their wisdom and enlightenment to understand God's investment in and purposes for his people (1:15-23). In this great apostolic prayer, Paul reveals that the power (i.e., the Holy Spirit) that raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at the right hand of the Father (1:19-21) is the same power that now works within the Church. Therefore, the Church is the Body of Christ which participates in the Lord's decisive victory over hostile spiritual forces and which, as his representative, ministers the Lord's love and power to a dying world (1:22-23).
Commentary on Selected Verses
Verse 3. Spiritual blessings are the privileges and resources presently available to the people of God through Christ's ministry of salvation.
Verses 4-5. To choose means to take a smaller number from a larger one. To predestine means to determine in advance. Before God created the world he decided that everyone who believed on the Lord Jesus Chrsit would be saved. Although Jesus is the only Son of God by nature, Christians have been given full privileges as children of God through adoption.
Verse 7. Redemption has to do with freeing slaves or prisoners. It also implies the payment of a ransom. Forgiveness is loosing someone from what binds him/her. The word comes from a verb meaning "to send away." When God forgives us, he frees us from the bondage of sin and sends our away our guilt (and shame) through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Verses 9-10. A mystery is a truth that was once hidden. It pleases God to share with his children his divine plan of redemption and reconciliation. God's ultimate plan is to unify all of Creation under the Headship of Christ.
Verses 13-14. Once the gospel is preached, believing the message leads to salvation. The sealing of the Holy Spirit immediately follows salvation. The Holy Spirit is described as both a seal and a deposit. A seal is a guarantee of genuineness. A deposit is a down payment signifying the assurance of things to come.
Verse 17. Genuine wisdom and revelation are centered in the knowledge of God, that is, intimate knowledge of God.
Verse 18. Hope is a confident expectation, not simply an optimistic outlook. For the Christian, hope points to something that is certain.
Verse 20. The power that works within the saints is the same power "which [God] exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms." This great power "works within the saints." Hence, the resurrection and ascension power of Jesus Christ lives on the inside of his people. This power is the Holy Spirit.
Verse 21. The point of this verse is that Jesus Christ is Supreme Lord.
Verse 22-23. Jesus Christ has authority and power over all his enemies. The Church is in union with Christ and does the work of Christ in the world. Jesus Christ is the head. We are his body.
Review Questions
Answering the following questions will help you to understand the first chapter of Ephesians and to clearly articulate some of its major themes.
- The phrase "in Christ" (or its equivalent) is very important to the first chapter of Ephesians. How many instances of this phrase can you find in verses 1 through 23?
- Paul lists at least ten spiritual blessings in 1:3-14. List the ones that you find.
- What is God's chief purpose in Christ revealed in verse 10?
- Paul prays for three different types of revelation in verses 18-19. What are the three things for which Paul prays?
- What two events demonstrated the exceeding greatness of God's power?
- What is the responsibility of the Church as the Body of Christ?