What is History?
History is “the branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events.” However, while history certainly involves a study of past events, it is ultimately a story of humanity across time. History is about real people like you and me. The study of history helps us to discover where we came from and to examine where we are going.
What is Church History?
“Church” in the New Testament is generally used to translate the Greek ekklesia (“called out ones”), which originally referred to a gathering, assembly, or local congregation. The word developed in meaning to refer to all who profess faith in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9-10). Church history, then, is the study of the history of Christianity.
Why is Church History Important?
The Christian faith is historical by its very nature. The study of church history can help believers to see how God has guided, protected, sustained, and empowered his people from the time of Jesus Christ to the present. The study of church history reminds us of our common humanity and connection to the larger body of believers. The study of church history can help ground our own personal thinking and theological speculation in what the church has traditionally believed and taught throughout the centuries.